This 7 Chakras Orgone Energy Pendant includes red jasper for the base chakra, goldstone for the navel chakra, yellow jasper for the solar plexus, amazonite for the heart chakra, sodalite for the throat chakra, amethyst for the third eye and a clear quartz crystal in the back of the pendant for the crown chakra. Activates and boosts the chakras to work in balance and greater power.
This pendant is about 1 and 1/2 inches across and about 1/2 inch thick.
It includes the cord, so it is ready to wear. Two pictures are shown, including the back of the pendant where you can see the mixture of steel and aluminum shavings, the 7 chakra stones, herkimer diamond, calcite and mica, which is needed to make the healing orgone energies. In the front of the pendant there are colorful sparkles and gold flakes. All these materials I have are encased in the polyester resin. Under the pressure of the resin the quartz sends out its subtle piezoelectric pulse which the metals in a way are a conductor for it. Any dense/negative energy that comes near this pendant is transmuted into positive, expansive orgone energy space. Enjoy!